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The problems of pastoralism and transhumance seem to be exacerbated everywhere in West and Central Africa, while the multifaceted economic interest of this mobile breeding is demonstrating day by day and that most of the actors concerned, private, associative and public, put a lot of effort into trying to reverse this trend of conflicts and mobility of herds increasingly difficult and risky. Structural investment (livestock routes, grazing areas, rest areas, water points, livestock markets, loading platform, feeding racks, veterinary posts) and strengthening the capacity of local authorities to use tools to help in decision-making with the support and expertise of pastoral civil society organisations (PCSOs) is indispensable for maintaining a strategic sector, whether with regard to food security, employment or the economic development of territories for the whole of the sub-region. This capacity building and collaboration between local authorities and CSOs will facilitate (i) the application of real social engineering upstream of implementation, (ii) optimum targeting of the infrastructures to be implemented, (iii) and sustainable management of infrastructures shared between local authorities and PCSOs. 


Program objective

The Project to Support Livestock Mobility for Better Access to Resources and Markets in West Africa (PAMOBARMA) is the component 3 of the Regional Dialogue and Investment Project for Pastoralism and Transhumance in the Sahel and Coastal Countries of West Africa (PREDIP). The global objective of PAMOBARMA is to protect the mobility of herds and their access to pastoral resources and markets.




  • Specific objective 1 is to prepare conditions for access to natural resources and the mobility of herds by strengthening the capabilities of key actors in the sector at the cross-border level.

  • Specific objective 2 is to improve the living conditions of agropastoral populations by providing livestock feed, marking itineraries, providing market facilities and access to cross-border veterinary posts.

  • Specific objective 3 is the consolidation of cross-border mobility by embedding it in the inter-community landscape.


By protecting the mobility of herds, their access to agropastoral resources and market infrastructures, in particular at the cross-border level and ensuring close collaboration between civil society organizations and local authorities, the intervention will lead to the creation of a virtuous circle, which will make it possible to permanently incorporate agropastoralism into the socio-economic landscape of territories, increase the resilience of agropastoral populations and support the socio-economic development of territories based on tax revenue generated by this sector.




The project is projected to produce the following three (3) results.


  • Result 1: Agropastoralist and pastoralist organisations, local authorities and technical services of the State co-develop cross-border pastoral plans using their shared knowledge of the challenges facing agropastoralism at the local and cross-border level.

  • Result 2: Improved production and marketing capacities of agropastoral farmers.

  • Result 3: Consistent and long-lasting development of the sector is ensured at the level of each strategic cross-border territory.

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